
Showing posts from December, 2018

What Does an Import Clearing Agent Do?

In the big wheel of international shipping, clearing agents form one of the key cogs. Their duty is to see that the goods exported or imported pass through the customs clearing procedures. Hence the word ‘Clearing’ for the agent. There are two segments in customs clearance - export customs clearance and import customs clearance. In this write-up, we shall see the role of an import clearing agent. Goods imported into the country via the sea route, air or land route are first held at the designated warehouses of the customs authority for customs clearance agents In delhi . The goods are released only when the customs procedures are done. It is the duty of the importer to file all the procedures to secure the release of goods. For an importer, more time the goods spent at the customs office more is the money lost. Thus, the filing of customs papers has to be done quickly. But the problem is, there is a tonne of paperwork to file which an average importer may not comprehend...