What Does an Import Clearing Agent Do
International business is tough. There are
many formalities and procedures to follow. It is especially so if you are in
the business of importing goods. Rules and regulations are complex and hard to
grasp. It eats away into your time which otherwise can be used productively.
If you are looking to start an importing
business, the problems associated with importing goods can be solved by an
import clearing agent. But before hiring, you need to know what exactly this
agent does. Here are some insights for you:

For importing goods into the country, there
is an elaborate procedure mandated by law in the country. It involves lots of
documentation and dealing with customs authorities, port authorities and
shipping company. This is a tedious work. An Import clearing agent handles all
this on your behalf. It is in their area of expertise to make the customs
clearance process easier.
of Freight Charges
When your goods arrive at the port, you
need to obtain a delivery order. This endorses the delivery of goods. It is given
by the shipping company that ferried your goods. But, you can obtain it only
after the payment of shipping freight. Here, your work is made easy by an
Custom import clearing agent. Their connections with the shipping company helps smooth
out the delivery process.
Computation of customs duty for the imported
goods, landing and shipping charges at docks, filling a bill of entry, availing
any benefits from government schemes etc, is taken care of by the agent. All
these involve filing paperwork and many approvals. The agents are well-versed
in all these procedures and ensure that your goods are brought out of the port
without much hassle.
you want to know more about an import clearing agent or want to hire one,
please visit us
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